After you purchase one of our libraries you will be sent a download link via email.
Once you've downloaded them, there are many ways to use our samples in your favourite DAW:
Here are 3 of our favourites!
1. Audio on the grid
Simply drag and drop our samples straight on to your grid. This is a tried and tested simple method, without the need for a sampler. We would recommend making a separate track for kick, snare etc. then paste away!
2. Use our samples with a sampler
We have made sampler presets for the Logic Sampler, Ableton and Native Instruments Battery. Use MIDI notes to program our sounds and easily swap to different presets.
3. Drum Replacement (Steven Slate Trigger)
My personal method to reinforce or completely replace an existing drum performance with our samples. A live drum kit that just doesn't have the punch needed to cut through the rest of the band? or your mixing a track and the tuning isn't how you're hearing it?
Use Slate trigger either as Midi instrument or a plugin directly on the track.
Watch our youtube videos for more info!